
Pharmaceutical Sciences

Associate Professor
Focus: Pharmacokinetics

Speaker Request
Marcel Musteata, PhD


  • Postdoctoral, University of Toronto
  • Ph.D., University of Waterloo

Courses Taught at ACPHS

  • Pharmacokinetics
  • Pharmaceutical Analysis
  • Pharmaceutics

Research Interests

  • Development of miniaturized analytical technology for pharmacokinetic studies and therapeutic drug monitoring, with the purpose of creating personalized therapeutic devices that integrate chemical analysis, decision, and drug delivery.
  • Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of anticancer drugs
  • Minimally invasive sampling and analysis of drugs and endogenous compounds in biological samples

Selected Publications

Mall I, Musteata FM. Transdermal Sampling of Vitamin D3 and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3. Bioanalysis, 11(2), Epub ahead of print , DOI 10.4155/bio-2018-0138, 2018 (corresponding author).

Dajana Vuckovic, Erasmus Cudjoe, Florin Marcel Musteata & Janusz Pawliszyn: “Automated solid-phase microextraction and thin-film microextraction for high-throughput analysis of biological fluids and ligand–receptor binding studies”, Nature Protocols, 5(1), 140-161, 2010
Musteata, Marcel Florin: “Pharmacokinetic Applications of Microdevices and Microsampling Techniques”, Bioanalysis, 1(1), 171-185, 2009

Yanwei Zhan, Tibebe Lemma, Marcel Florin Musteata, and Janusz Pawliszyn: “Development of a Simple Ampholyte-Free Isoelectric Focusing Slab Electrophoresis for Protein Fractionation”, Journal of Chromatography A, in press, 2009

Musteata Florin Marcel, de Lannoy I, Gien B, and Pawliszyn Janusz: “Blood sampling without blood draws for in vivo pharmacokinetic studies in rats”, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 47, 907-912, 2008

Musteata, Florin Marcel and Janusz Pawliszyn: “In Vivo Sampling with Solid Phase Microextraction” Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 70(2), 181-193, 2007

Xu Zhang, Ali Es-haghi, Florin Marcel Musteata, Gangfeng Ouyang, and Janusz Pawliszyn: “Quantitative In Vivo Micro-sampling for Pharmacokinetic Studies Based on an Integrated Solid-Phase Microextraction System”, Analytical Chemistry, 79(12), 4507-4513, 2007

Musteata, Florin Marcel and Janusz Pawliszyn: “Determination of Free Concentration of Paclitaxel in Liposome Formulations” Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9 (2): 231-237, 2006

Musteata, Florin Marcel, Musteata, M., Pawliszyn, J. “Fast in vivo microextraction: a new tool for clinical analysis”, Clinical Chemistry, 52(4), 708-715, 2006

Musteata, Florin Marcel, J. Pawliszyn, Qian M., Wu J.T., Miwa G.T. “Determination of Drug Plasma Protein Binding by Solid Phase Microextraction”. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 95(8):1712-1722, 2006

Conferences and Presentations

Mall I, Zheng H, Musteata FM. Transdermal Sampling of Vitamin D3 and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3. AAPS-NERDG, Farmington CT, April 2018.

Extramural Grants

Role: Co-Principal Investigator: Marcel Musteata (Co-PI: Michael Kane, ACPHS) 
Project Title: Simultaneous Determination of Free, Total, and Normalized Concentrations of Bioactive Compounds
Grantor: National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Grant Number: 1R15GM126510-01
Amount: $480,000
Term: 2018-2021

Honors, Awards and Appointments

Associate Editor for Bioanalysis